Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Yes, that magickal time of year when witches and goblins cavort, scary butlers creep you out and fundamentalists warn us about the evils of Halloween. In some respects, the fundamentalists are right, Halloween is a pagan holy day, but just like Christmas has changed from a Christian holy day observance to a secular gimme-fest, Halloween has morphed in the popular mind from a sacred day for honoring the dead to another gimme-fest. Halloween, also called Samhain (pronounced sow-when) is the beginning of the “Wheel of the Year” for many neo-pagans, one of eight sabbats spaced more or less equally around the year. Samhain/Halloween is when the separation between this world and the Otherworld is thinnest. It is not an “evil” festival, nor is Satan any part of it (Satan is a biblical character who has no part in paganism). Again, the fundamentalists are right about many of our modern Halloween traditions coming from pagan observances, but I’d still go trick-or-treating if I was you.

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