Friday, May 22, 2020

Destihl "Wild Sour" Series: Piña Colada Gose

First - what a gose? (pronounced go-suh). It's a traditional beer style that originated in Goslar, Germany. It's a sour ale that is brewed with at least 50% wheat.  It technically does not comply with the Reinheitsgebot, the German beer purity law, because salt and coriander are usually added, but is granted an exemption since it is a traditional regional specialty. Originally goses were spontaneously fermented, i.e. with no added yeast, but it generally is brewed using top fermenting yeast and lactic acid bacteria. 

Since a gose is a variety of sour ale, Piña Colada Gose is naturally...well...sour! The sea salt adds an unusual kick, the coriander is subtle and understated and the pineapple and coconut (the piña and the colada of the name) both assert themselves and balance nicely. The underlying taste of the gose, once you get past the added flavors, is still apparent - a tart citrus. I'd pair this with something spicy, like chorizo or pizza with hot peppers. Great summer beer.

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