Saturday, May 16, 2020

Boulevard Rye on Rye

Boulevard has been doing several barrel-aged beers over the last few years, sometimes part of their Tasting Room Series. Today's (actually yesterday, but I'm just getting around to the review tonight) offering is an ale made with rye malt, aged in Templeton Rye Whiskey barrels.

The most common grain that is used to brew beer is barley. Sometimes a brewer will use another type of grain for variety, wheat being a common alternative. Rye is a very flavorful grain, and is the type of grain associated with American Whiskey (Bourbon generally uses corn, Scotch, barley).

Rye on Rye is not only a beer brewed with rye malt and aged in rye whiskey barrels, but for good measure they added maple syrup (I was eating a waffle with maple syrup when I was drinking this). It pours a tawny hue with a skimpy head. There is a medley of flavors and aromas that immediately tickle the nasal passages and taste buds, such as vanilla, toffee, oak, pepper, apricot, and a general spiciness. The 13.2% ABV gives it a distinct alcohol heat, it's like drinking a fine whiskey; it's not something that you let your mom give to the lawn guy. 9.7 on the IGB scale.

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