Friday, May 15, 2020

Bell's Kalamazoo Stout

Kalamazoo Stout is an American stout with a 6% ABV. The label says "brewed with brewer's licorice" - which almost caused me to steer clear - I wanted to avoid too many flavored beers this outing. But "brewer's licorice" isn't the same as tossing a stick of licorice candy in your beer; here's an article about the flavoring:

Kalamazoo Stout pours a super, duper dark brown, you might as well say black, with a 3½ finger tan head. The consistency is thick and creamy, almost a quintessential stout. The licorice taste is very subdued, which seems to be the plan. Roast malt is a predominant taste, as well as dark cocoa, molasses and coffee. They don't list IBUs, but the hop bite is very moderate and balances the maltiness very well.

This is one of the better, non-fancy, basic stouts. 9.0 on the IGB scale.

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