Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Profound Pronouncements

What the heck is wrong with politicians? During the recent “debates”, three out of four of them found it difficult to answer the questions, any questions, that the moderator asked them. And with all the misrepresenting of each others’ records and positions, do we need these people hooked up to a lie detector during their public appearances? It’s bad enough when they lie during a speech or campaign ad, but when the other guy (or gal) is right there to say “I never said that” - how do you continue to misrepresent your opponent with him or her standing five feet away from you? Can you imagine trying that with a police officer pulling you over for speeding:
“Sir, do you know how fast you were going?”
“The American people know that I’m a maverick, and you, officer, voted to cut off funding for little old ladies.”
Or maybe a student and teacher exchange:
“Johnny, where is your homework?”
“I’m glad you brought up homework Mrs. Smith, because it illustrates how little homework my classmate Tommy does. I support homework”
It kind of makes me look favorably on the whole concept of monarchy. At least with a monarchy you don’t have to pretend that it’s the will of the people that the King is the King. He’s the King because his daddy was the King and grandpa was King and his distant ancestor was the sneakiest S.O.B. around and killed off all the other guys who wanted to be King. But no, we have primaries and caucuses and debates and elections and we act like there’s some actual choosing going on. Heck, let’s give the Presidency to whoever wins the next Powerball jackpot...with or without teeth.

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