Saturday, February 1, 2020

Boulevard Chocolate Ale

Ordinarily, any beer that has chocolate in any form added to it is a stout or a porter, not so with Boulevard Chocolate Ale. The base beer seems to be an amber ale, medium hoppiness (24 IBUs). They describe it as a "strong ale", and the ABV is  8.7%. The hue is coppery, with a two-finger amber head. There's definitely some chocolate in the taste profile, but it isn't overpowering as you get in some ales that add chocolate. In addition to the obvious chocolate there are subtle notes of caramel, toasted bread and oddly enough, some blueberry and floral notes. Despite the added flavoring, the overall beeriness comes through, pushing the additions to the side. Boulevard does it again! 7.5 on the IGB scale.

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