Saturday, February 15, 2020

Rogue Dead Guy Ale

Dead Guy Ale is brewed in the style known as maibock. See the following link for an explanation of  the bock and maibock styles:

Dead Guy Ale pours a coppery-amber color with a frothy white head. My first impression of the taste is that it reminds me of some of the better Belgian ales. There's a hint of pineapple and a bit of caramel. It's fairly hoppy at 40 IBUs, which is about what you'd expect for this style. Since it's somewhat springlike out today, I find it appropriate to be sampling a bock, a style that's typically associated with Spring. It's not overly complex and there's not a lot going on beneath the surface, but it's a good choice if you like hoppy brews, but not so hoppy that it takes the enamel off your teeth.

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