Sunday, January 19, 2020

Bell's Russian Imperial Stout

This is the last review of my three-day weekend series of beers. Expedition Stout by Bell's is a Russian Imperial Stout - no barrel aging, no added flavorings, just good ol' inky-black stout goodness.

After I poured it into a Sam Adams Perfect Pint glass, I held it up to the light and could not see any light coming that's dark. There was a thick two-finger ten head that quickly dissipated to some brown lacing. It has a creamy consistency that one would expect from a well-made stout with battling tastes that include chocolate, coffee and vanilla. It's got a 10.5% ABV, but no discern able alcohol heat. Also absent are the dark fruit notes that are often present in the imperials. Not overly complicated, but the flavors and aromas coming together smoothly. 9.5 on the IGB scale.

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