Saturday, January 18, 2020

Boulevard Tasting Room Imperial Sweet Stout Aged in Bourbon Barrels

Day drinking for me is a rater sedate affair these days. No 24-packs with other drunken comrades, just a nice craft beer while writing a beer review at my desk!

Since Belgian brewer Duvel Moortget bought Boulevard in 2013, their already impressive array of experimental beers expanded exponentially. The Tasting Room series dabbles in ales that are on the cutting edge of the craft beer market. Usually the Tasting Room beers lack names like "Dark Truth" or "80 Acre" and usually just have descriptions.

Today's selection, Imperial Sweet Stout Aged in Bourbon Barrels combines several of my favorite beer styles in one. When it comes to stouts I've always been partial to sweet stouts, sometimes referred to as milk stouts. Since lactose doesn't ferment into alcohol like other sugars, adding lactose causes the resulting beer to retain some sweetness. I also have a weakness for anything aged in a bourbon barrel.

As recommended on the Boulevard website I'm enjoyed this stout in a tulip glass. The first impressions that I'm detecting are some dark chocolate and bourbon. The "Imperial" appellation lets you know in advance that there will be some alcohol heat from the 11.9% ABV. As you might expect from the combination of stout and bourbon barrel aging there are also a symphony of dark fruit notes: figs, dates, and black cherry. As it warms up, I can also taste some vanilla and toffee as well as some brown sugar. and maple The IBU count is only 26, so the bitterness is quite restrained.

Overall, a 9 on the IGB scale

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