Thursday, July 30, 2009

Driving Under the Influence of Stupidity

A Lincoln woman was recently pulled over for her eighth drunken driving offense, which apparently is a few shy of the record; there are 105 people in Nebraska with ten or more DUI’s and one with eighteen! What was more astounding was that this woman has had her license revoked for 15 years four times. Now if she was 76 years old, that might add up, but she is only thirty, legally driving for only fourteen years. Wouldn’t one revocation be enough. Did the second one start after the first fifteen ended? It just doesn’t make sense. Why do we keep revoking the license of someone who clearly has no intention of discontinuing her driving, especially not sober? What can we do to stop people from driving when their licenses are suspended or revoked? One solution that comes to mind is breaking their legs. It is difficult to drive without feet. If they try to work around this restriction by getting hands-only appliances, break their arms. Heck, start harvesting organs after that. Do what it takes to make the point: no driving for you!

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