Thursday, July 31, 2008

Words of Wisdom

It's August and I'm feeling depressed. Why? You might ask, in a tone that conveys both boredom and trepidation. Augsut is the only month without some kind of major holiday, one that has wormed its way into our national identity and has taken over school bulletin boards all over the country. Go ahead, check, I'll wait.
See, I told you. But there are holidays in August, just ones that you either haven't heard of or are too stupid to bring up. Holidays like August 6th: Wiggle Your Toes day and August 31st: Trail Mix Day. Do you have any ideas for stupid holidays? Post 'em in the comments section.

1 comment:

Tiffslife said...

Trail mix day?! You've got to be kidding me, that's as bad as having March as being not only National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome month, but also, National Caffeine Awareness month. Do we honestly need those awarenesses to become awkward national holidays?!

My idea for August though, is August 15th, National no work day, for ANYBODY. Nothing is open, so everybody must grocery shop/ get gas/ pay last minute bills/ etc. before 12 am August 15th. Good idea, eh?! haha :-)