Friday, January 29, 2021

Surly Brewing: Pentagram Dark Sour

I thought I was done with the sours for the season, but this looked so interesting I had to bring it home with me. It pours dark, like a black ruby, with a short reddish-tan head. It's an extremely odd flavor - not unpleasant - I might inaccurately call it gamey. It's actually the first sour that I've tried that was made with dark malt, giving it that dark hue. There's a strong aroma/flavor of oak, much stronger than your usual oak barrel infused brew. There's some grape, like a red wine, and some smokiness - like a fine cigar. I know that last part sounded unappetizing, but keep an open mind! Subsidiary flavors include strawberry, raspberry and black cherry. Plums, dates and figs bring up the rear. Don't know how to rate this, but I'd drink it again. 

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