Friday, January 22, 2021

Keg Creek Sunrise Mexican Coffee Imperial Stout

I cannot get enough of these imperial stouts. And when they're bolstered with some stout-friendly flavorings, all the better. Out of Glenwood, Iowa, Keg Creek's Sunrise Mexican Imperial Coffee Stout is a keeper. It's an imperial stout, or double stout, so it's got a little extra alcohol kick at 8.2%. It pours the color of black coffee, with a creamy, tan, three-finger head. Coffee, dark chocolate, cinnamon and chilies get together, and rather than competing for attention, have agreed to work together to give us a smooth, yet exciting brew. The combination of the desert-like mocha and the spicy chilies make for a very seasonally appropriate brew. 9 on the IGB stout scale!

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