Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ambassadors to Made-Up Countries Now Out of Work

With the advent of an administration that knows the location, spelling and pronunciation of most, if not all, members of the United Nations, the government payroll is being purged of Ambassadors, Consuls and the odd ChargĂ© D’Affaires at an unprecedented rate. First to go were the ambassadors to Lower Slobovia and Elbonia, fictional nations featured in the L’il Abner and Dilbert comic strips. According to unnamed sources formerly employed by the outgoing Bush administration, the President, eager to reward his supporters with government positions, often signed ambassadorial appointments without noticing that the nations did not exist. Texas state government employees recall with horror people shouting out “Wewease Wodney” and “Wewease Woger” at the annual gubernatorial pardons gala when Bush was governor of that state.

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