Saturday, December 18, 2021

Brewdog Double Cake

Ill-Gotten Booty has mixed feelings about adding flavorings to beers. On one hand, the right combination of malts and hops can unleash a myriad of flavor profiles without adding anything; on the other hand, some flavors add to certain styles resulting in a total that is greater than the sum of its parts. Stouts and porters are often enhanced by the addition of chocolate, vanilla or coffee. Double Cake has added marshmallow and chocolate to their very fine stout and it's a winner! Double Cake pours a midnight back with some scarlet highlights, with a reverse waterfall resolving itself into a three-finger khaki head. The chocolate and marshmallow flavors are there, but rather than distracting from the stoutness of the stout, they, as the man said "kicked it up a notch". In addition to the added flavors, the stout boasts notes of vanilla and coffee, with the marshmallow imparting a smooth creaminess. 8/10 on the IGB stout scale. 

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