Sunday, March 5, 2017

Goose Island Fassinator Blonde Dopplebock

As everyone knows, Spring is the season for the bocks. Okay, everyone doesn't know it, but it is. Here's a previous IGB article about Bocks:

Let's start off with the name: Fassinator. Pronounced Fahs-in-Ator, derived for the German word from draught: Vom Fahs, and a traditional suffix for bocks: -ator. The ABV is 8%, about what you'd expect for a strong bock. It pours an apricot hue with a three-finger head that very slowly recedes to a lacy frill. fairly complex flavor mix, with malty sweet biscuit-y notes with some banana undertones. Light hop bitterness that kicks in after the beer warms up a bit - not noticeable straight from the fridge. A lot smoother than a typical doppelbock, with no noticeable alcohol heat. I'd classify this more as a strong maibock rather than a doppelbock, but your mileage may vary.

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