Saturday, April 16, 2011

Beer Review: Longshot Winner Honey B's Lavender Ale

Okay, I like lavender in my incense, but I'm not sure that I want any in my beer. In general I'm not in favor of weird flavorings in my beer, even fruit, so I was kind of biased against it before I even started drinking it, but I always give the Longshots a chance. And like I always tell beer novices: approach new styles with an open mind, it's not supposed to taste like all of the other stuff that you've tried before.

So I opened my mind, careful to set up the safety net so that my brains would not fall out, and tried again, trying to ignore the fact that I know that it has lavender in it.

It appears to be filtered, pours a golden hue with a shade of bronze; weak head that nonetheless leaves lacing on the glass as I drink it down.  It's a summer ale in my opinion, and would probably go well with spicy food, buffalo wings or barbecue. The flavoring gives it a musky aftertaste, that isn't unpleasant, but is definitely unfamiliar. I might try some spicy food with the second bottle just to see if my instincts are correct.

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