Friday, December 17, 2010

Beer Review: Sam Adams/Weihenstephan Infinium

 Infinium is a special release from Sam Adams in collaboration with the 1000 year-old Werihenstephan brewery in Germany and follows that country's Reinheitsgebot, or beer purity, laws. The bottle resembles a champagne carafe more than any beer bottle that you've ever seen and there's champagne-like qualities to the taste as well. It pours, highly carbonated, leaving a head that stretches from the top to the bottom of the glass. The hue is a light honey-amber, while the head itself is a snowy white that dissipates into a clingy lacy-ness. The first thing that hits me is the sweetness, followed by the alcohol heat. (ABV is 10.3%). There's a light maltiness to Infinium, with hints of toffee and butterscotch, reminiscent of Belgian whites. Most assuredly a New Year's Eve at midnight style of thing....yeah.

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