Saturday, February 6, 2010

Beer Review: Sierra Nevada Glissade Golden Bock

The first thing that surprised me about Glissade was the bright golden hue. I've been somewhat conditioned to think that Bocks should be a darker color: on a scale from amber to copper, but don't let the lightness of the color indicate a lightness of flavor. It poured a medium sized head that quickly receded leaving snowy-white lacing. The flavor is malty, but mildly so, with enough hoppiness to make it interesting. Honestly though, it's not the best beer that Sierra Nevada has ever put out, but fair. I'd give it a 5.5 - 6 on the IGB beer scale, I'd even hesitate to call it a Bock. On the other hand, if I hadn't read the label indicating that it was a Bock, I might have rated it higher...but still gone for a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale!

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