Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Boulevard 80-Acre Hoppy Wheat Beer
Had a couple of these down at O'Rourke's this afternoon and was impressed to say the least. 80-Acre poured a hazy pale yellow, with a tall white head. Immediately a flurry of aromas tickled my nostrils: mango, apricot, pear, green apple and the obligatory pine. Much sweeter than I expected, but balanced by the sting of the hops. Citrussy as I approached the bottom of the glass. If you like hops, if you like wheats, heck if you like beer, grab yourself a six-pack today!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Buffalo Bill's Pumpkin Ale
Light orange in color, minimal head, smells and tastes like pumpkin pie and nutmeg. Some cinnamon as well. Good choice for a Halloween party, but not so much of an everyday beer.
Sam Adams Thirteenth Hour Belgian Stout Aged in Oak Barrels
The Barrel Room series ( 3/4 of it anyway) finally made it to Nebraska! Cracked open the first one for the August Joyce Family Dinner was Thirteenth Hour, a Belgian Stout. It poured a deep, dark brown, with a tall frothy tan head, and surprisingly heavily carbonated. Not nearly as thick and creamy as one might expect from a stout, but with a complex taste nonetheless. All kinds of fun secondary flavors fighting for attention from chocolate and coffee to licorice and black cherries. Figs, plums and raisins make an appearance as it warms up. Definitely a special occasion sippin' ale.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Sam Adams Barrel Room Series
Coming soon to IGB Beer Reviews!
1800 Big Log Wheat from Blue Blood Brewing
Donated by the new kid on the block, Brian from Blue Blood Brewing, because he knows I'll tell people about it! Brewed especially for "The Lodge" at Wilderness Ridge (where I just officiated at a wedding) Pours a hazy golden apricot hue with a tall, tall snowy white head. Lots of depth in this summery brew. Tangy hints of orange and lemon peel and a little nutmeggy spice sneaking in the back door. Most importantly, a full-on wheat taste reminiscent of a fine hefeweizen.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Tommyknocker Small Patch Pumpkin Harvest Ale
Pours a dark brown, kind of like a porter in hue, rich brown head. The pumpkin taste is somewhat subdued, but tasty. Up there with the Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin. Chocolate malts give the ale some character and some subtle molasses rounds it all out.
Sam Adams Harvest Pumpkin Ale
Looks good: nice head, mahogany brown color, spicy aroma. Tastes pretty good too, although like with all flavored brews, the pumpkin kind of overwhelms the "real" flavor of the malt & hops. In addition to the pumpkin it tastes like they threw some nutmeg and cinnamon in there too. Pretty drinkable, a fun beer for the upcoming Autumn season
Sam Adams Dunkelweizen

Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin

Saturday, August 18, 2012
Lucky Bucket Octoberfest
Pours about a fist and a half head (yes, I really did write that), copper colored with a nice malty aroma. A bit more hoppiness than I expected, and not as sweet as a lot of other Märzens, but a good solid Autumn ale. I could see myself knocking back a few of these on a cool Fall evening.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
New Belgium Red Hoptober
Pours with a gigantic caramel hued head, dark red. First mouthful hit me with a bunch o'hops. Following up right after with the caramel sweetness that one with expect from an Irish Red. There's some serious grapefruitness going on here too. Keep on going, there's pine notes as well. Great fusion of a pale ale and an Irish Red. Yummy.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Sam Adams Hazel Brown
The Sam Adams Harvest Collection is here and I've got one! It's full of old favorites, but there's always a new one in the box. Hazel Brown is an American brown ale brewed with hazel nuts. I've had some hazel nut flavored beers before and not been impressed, but Hazel Brown is different. It pours a deep brown with a tall, three-finger tan head. There's plenty of sweet hazel nut flavor along with some cocoa and toffee. maybe a hint of maple syrup. This was a great addition to the Fall variety pack.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Blue Moon Caramel Apple Spiced Ale
This beer has "Autumn" written all over it! Pours a deep orangey-red, with an aroma laced with cinnamon and apples. Lots of caramel sweetness. Similar in some respects to their pumpkin ale, but with, you know...apples. Get out your rocking chair and flannel shirt and sit out on the porch. If you're going to have a Halloween party, I would recommend featuring this limited release ale.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Sam Adams Cherry Wheat
Hey let's take two things people like - wheat beer and cherries - and put them together - it'll be great! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Sam Adams makes a good wheat beer, and I am not at all opposed to cherries in my beer (a Kriek - a cherry lambic comes to mind) - this just isn't cutting it. Boston Brewing has included Cherry Wheat in several of their variety packs, Harvest Collection and Summer Styles, and maybe even the Holiday Classics, but I can't get to where I really enjoy this - there is too damn much cherry!
Sam Adams makes a good wheat beer, and I am not at all opposed to cherries in my beer (a Kriek - a cherry lambic comes to mind) - this just isn't cutting it. Boston Brewing has included Cherry Wheat in several of their variety packs, Harvest Collection and Summer Styles, and maybe even the Holiday Classics, but I can't get to where I really enjoy this - there is too damn much cherry!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Pyramid Curve Ball - Blonde Ale

Sierra Nevada Summerfest
Pours a clear gold color with a lacy white head.Heavily carbonated. This one, unlike many of the summer beers, is a lager, not an ale, and doesn't have any extraneous flavoring, like lemons. Hops aren't real obvious, but they hit you on the back of the tongue. This might be the winner of the "what to take to Nick's July 4th party" contest. Great beer for when it's 95 degrees outside...like today!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Sam Adams Belgian Session
Somehow I managed to make it through the entire summer beer season without picking up a Sam Adams Summer Styles 12 pack. I just wasn't interested in getting the Boston Lager, Summer Ale, Noble Pils, East-West Kolsch and espcially not the Cherry Wheat just to try the one new one the Belgian Session. Don't get me wrong, I love the East-West, but I held out and was able to get some Belgian Session in the aftermath of a couple broken bottles.
The Belgian session pours a clear gold with a fluffy white head. Kind of a creamy consistency with the distinctive flavor of the Belgians. I can detect some orange peel and a little lemon - some clove on the back side. If you're having a variety pack, not the worst of the bunch, but there are better examples of the Belgian style by American brewers out there.
The Belgian session pours a clear gold with a fluffy white head. Kind of a creamy consistency with the distinctive flavor of the Belgians. I can detect some orange peel and a little lemon - some clove on the back side. If you're having a variety pack, not the worst of the bunch, but there are better examples of the Belgian style by American brewers out there.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Sam Adams East-West Kölsch
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Empyrean Ales - Super Nova Summerfest
Empyrean is now bottling their seasonals, and this is the first of the series. Pours a medium head, honey-gold in color. Tastes slightly of sweet corn and a little bready. Obvious hoppiness, but paradoxically not too bitter. Great for these hot days and nights that we're experiencing lately. Rich Chapin knew what he was doing with this baby!
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