Friday, January 30, 2009

The Economic Downturn: The Top Ten Signs That Things Aren't Going So Well

10. Super Bowl commercials actually relate to the products they're trying to sell
9. Rod Blogojevich's two-for-one senator sale
8. New sign at the Nebraska border says 'Welcome to Nebraska: The Adequate Life'.
7. To save money, Obama asks Iran to bomb its own nuclear reactor
6. Night Crew
5. American Idol winner takes away a home karaoke kit
4. Angelina Jolie sells half of her kids for 3 sacks of potatoes and a gallon of gas
3. Most popular Valentine's Day gift predicted to be rose-colored glasses.
2. Top Ten Lists to be reduced to 8 items
1. McDonald's changes slogan to "I'm Toleratin' It"

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