Thursday, November 3, 2016

Sam Adams Ginger Beer

I've been avoiding the Sam Adams variety packs recently, primarily because they've been offering less variety, i.e. three each of four varieties, rather than two each of six varieties, and frankly, what's been in them hasn't been that exciting. I received the Winter Classics variety 12-pack as a consolation prize after having to wait 4 months for a $10 rebate. Ginger Beer is one of the new ones. The Ginger Beer pours a golden copper hue with a tiny white head. Ginger is definitely evident, as well as the advertised lemongrass, but there's also hints of clove and cinnamon. There's 55 IBU's, and outside the spices, it feels like a pale ale. Oftentimes the seasonal offerings don't really match up with the season, but Ginger Beer assuredly has a holiday feel to it.

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