Monday, August 18, 2008

People Who Shouldn't Be Allowed to Reproduce

A week or so ago a local man was arrested for kidnapping after he decided to hold his wife and children hostage after his wife refused to fetch him a 40 oz. malt beverage. Now this is unique, this shows some thought, some planning! Why walk all the way to the fridge when you can browbeat your spouse into doing it? And a real man always has a backup plan when his woman refuses to give in to his foolishness. A lesser man would have resorted to administering a beating, or attempting to persuade by applying higher and higher volume to his inane arguments, but no, this guy took it to the proverbial next level: he held his wife hostage! What kind of planning goes into an idea like this? Hmmm...she won't get me a Colt 45...hold her hostage! Well, the WMD argument worked for Bush.

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