Friday, April 2, 2021

Crane Brewing's ThunderGong Wheat Ale

I'm tearing myself away from my true love, the quads, stouts and bourbon oak barrel infused ales and segueing into the lighter brews as befits the warmer weather that's surely on the way. I haven't reviewed a lot of wheats, but I'm going to make an effort to sample some this year.

ThunderGong Wheat Ale pours a sparkling topaz hue (thanks to my wife Susie for the description of the color) with a scanty white, lacy head. Not a lot of strong flavors, but there's a mild grassiness tickling the nose, with a tiny bit of citrus. Maybe some coriander. There's technically nothing wrong with this beer, but there also isn't anything memorable about it either. 5.5 on the IGB wheat beer scale.

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