Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Samuel Adams Chocolate Bock

Bock, bock
Who's there?
(Sorry, that's all I've got for that setup!)

But, hey! We have another self-proclaimed bock in the Sam Adams 12 pack! I do want to point out that the label to the left is an old label, and describes the beer as ale, which is inaccurate, since bocks are a subcategory of lager. I think there was a least one major market that had beer labeling ordinances that were inaccurate as to the actual classification of certain beers.

This chocolate bock pours a deep mahogany brown with a thin tan head. Milk chocolate aroma dominates, with vanilla notes. Very creamy.  Despite the heavy presence of the chocolate, the underlying "beeriness" is still evident: it's a solid bock outside the chocolate goodness. Food pairings would lean toward desserts - cheesecake, chocolate mousse, coffee ice cream, tiramisu.

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