Saturday, April 8, 2017

Innis & Gunn Scottish Stout Oak Aged in Irish Whiskey Barrels

I thought that this looked interesting. Innis & Gunn has several oak aged stouts and dark ales available at N Street, and being a fan of Irish Whiskey, I thought I give this one a try first. I've never had a beer that claimed to be a Scottish stout before, but I would assume, since Scottish or Scotch ales tend to be strong and smoky, and that stouts tend to be dark, heavy and malty, that a Scottish stout would be a combination. I was not quite correct. There is a hint of smokiness, but well hidden. The oak aging, however, does come through, and the Irish whiskey does add a nice smooth finish. There's also some hints of vanilla, figs and black cherries. It's the opinion of the Ill-Gotten Booty Board of Governors and Haberdashers that a well-made ale should not be hijacked by any one particular flavor, but all the component parts should blend together harmoniously. This particular brew succeeds in that regard. High marks from IGB.

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