Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sam Adams Cherry Chocolate Bock

Oh, I agonized over whether to review this one or the last of the three Project Twelves from Budweiser...it's fairly late for a weekday evening and I don't have to work tomorrow, so Cherry Chocolate Bock it is!

This beauty pours as dark as a stout as a porter, and has the heaviness of those styles as well, but the label says it's a lager, so Bock it is! It seems like Bocks, once a common Spring seasonal, have been making more and more appearances in the Winter Beer Season (Samhain - Imbolc [Oct 31 - Feb 1]) and not so much at the tail end of the dark or in early Spring. Maybe it's a marketing thing, maybe the golden Bocks do better  in the warmer weather and the darker ones in the darker months. But I'm not a marketing guy (as Scott Adams says, marketing is just liquor and guessing).

The chocolate and the cherries do dominate the flavors, but there's a little molasses and brown sugar as well. As the brew starts to warm up figs, raisins and dates start to show up as well. This is, if there is such a thing, the perfect Yule beer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Dad, this is your other son, Wes. I was just wondering if you were planning on reviewing any of the Stone 2013 series (Crime, Punishment, Southern Charred)? I have tried the Southern Charred and I was rather surprised. I enjoyed its heaviness and found it to be surprisingly sweet! Love you Dad.