Friday, November 15, 2013

Empyrean's Winter Axis Festiv'Ale

Since one of the nation's monster brewers distributed a drink called "Tilt", Empyrean was forced to change the name of their winter seasonal from "Winter Tilt" to "Winter Axis" - no big deal - it was a new name and I don't think anyone had gotten too attached to it, unlike say, Fallen Angel Sweet Stout. Also unlike Fallen Angel and the other seasonals, the recipe changes somewhat every year. This year the Festiv'Ale poured an apricot hue with a two-finger white head. The aroma and the initial taste are reminiscent of Farmhouse Ales, with that sweet Belgian profile. After the first sip, the hops kick in; not overly prominent, only 41 IBU's, but tart and spicy. Keep drinking and you get ripe summer fruits like apricot and peach with a little pear thrown in. Pretty darn good for the first beer of the winter season. Grab yourself a sixpack!

Preceding is a review from last November, but it looks like they changed the recipe a little from last year. There is very little of the Farmhouse left, and despite the IBU's being the same, it feels hoppier than it did last year. I am still detecting the apricot and pears, but not nearly as prominent. Pineapple and Granny Smith Apple are the tastes that appear most prominent. 

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