Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sága IPA

Another gift from one of my favorite craft beer reps, Sága is named after the Norse Goddess Sága who was (Summit says) the drinking companion of Odin. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%A1ga_and_S%C3%B6kkvabekkr ) Okey-Dokey; whatever the reason for the name (and what better name for an ale than that of a goddess?) this is a fine IPA. It pours a peach color with a white head that you could walk across without sinking. Grapefruit and pine tickle the tongue right off the bat...but wait - there's more~! Tropical fruits, including pineapple and mango cavort across the taste buds and excite the senses as the hop bitterness gives Sága a kick and a half. Recommended for newly minted IPA fans like John Joyce.

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