Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Schell's Snowstorm 2011 - Wee Heavy

Strong Scotch Ale is also known as "Wee Heavy". Examples of beers brewed in the USA under the name Wee Heavy tend to be 7% abv and higher, while Scottish-brewed examples, such as Belhaven's Wee Heavy, can be found between 5.5% and 6.5% abv. On the other hand, Scottish brewed exceptions include Traquair House Ale which is brewed to a strength of 7.2% abv, and Traquair Jacobite Ale which is 8% abv. McEwan's Scotch Ale is also 8% abv. - from Wikipedia: Scotch Ale

Pours a dark amber with a healthy foamy tan head. A good representation of strong Scotch Ales, with a sweet smoky taste, with undertones of toasted malt and a little vanilla wafer. A get a little bit of black cherry and maybe some fig as well. The 7% ABV doesn't overwhelm, but it warms up nicely. Pretty smooth for a high octane. 

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