Thursday, February 10, 2011

Beer Review: Northstar Imperial Porter

Another good reason to attend the monthly beer tours over at Empyrean Brewing; this month was dark beer month. We didn't have dark beers exclusively (Thank you Rich Chapin, for that 20 minute lecture on why barleywines didn't have to be dark!) but there were some nice offerings, including this beauty from Twisted Pine Brewery in Colorado (we should move to Colorado, if only for the beer!). As a stout & porter fan, and one who tries to keep to the dark heavies during the cold months, this high ABV porter appealed to me. Some breweries sneak in some sweet stouts or porters after Imbolc (look it up) and the Spring Equinox before bocking it up and surely before the blondes and other "spring" beers hit the shelves.  Northstar (Nickname: gator - inside north Lincoln joke there) is a sweet porter, thick and rich and intoxicating, but sweet and dessert-like at the same time. Go try some...but you can't have mine.

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